El Nuevo ZOL 95 y El Cilantrillo Restaurant quieren regalar 5 cenas de Acción de Gracias a familias en necesidad.

Nomina una familia que necesite ayuda en este día de Acción de Gracias.

Para nominar a una familia regístrate aquí y en menos de 95 palabras cuéntanos su historia.

Cinco familias serán escogidas como ganadoras de esta promoción.

Rules and Regulations

Contest Prize:
Cena de Acción de Gracias familiar 

Contest Prize Value:

Contest Start Date :
16 Nov 2023

Contest Start Time:
7 a.m.

Contest End Date:
21 Nov 2023

Contest End Time:
9 a.m.

Contest Winner Will Be Selected on:
21 Nov 2023 

Stations this contest runs on:
Orlando – El Zol 95.3

Restricted Participants:
– Employees or agents of (i) Sponsor(s), (ii) Co-Sponsor(s), (iii) their respective parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliates, (iv) their service agencies or independent contractors, and (v) other stations in the service area are not eligible to participate.
– Persons involved in the development, production, distribution of materials, or the selection of the winner for this Contest are not eligible to participate.
– Persons who are immediate family or who reside in the same house of any person who is in any of the above categories are not eligible to participate.

See Rules and Regulations